In a Dualine lubricating system, the reversing valve directs pump fl ow to one of the two
main supply lines while the second supply line is in relief to the pump reservoir. At the
completion of each half lubrication cycle, the reversing valve redirects the pump and relief
fl ow. Thus, on each succeeding half lubrication cycle, pressure and relief fl ow are alternated
in the two main supply lines. This action causes the measuring valves to stroke and
discharge lubricant to their respective bearings. In an automatic system, the reversing
valve also controls maximum system pressure and pump shut down.
These reversing valves operate in conjunction with pressure switches. They control
end-of-line systems (DC41 central stations and air powered systems).
Technical Data
Maximum fl ow rate 10 GPM (Oil)
Maximum allowable pressure (non-shock) 5000 psi (3000 psi @ relief port)
Spool confi guration 2 position, 4 way
Solenoid Push type epoxy covered coil
Inrush current 17.5 amp
Holding current 1.65 amp
Pressure range 400-3000 psi
Seals Buna “N” rubber